Award competition
Upon abstract acceptance, authors of accepted papers will be invited to compete for award competition by submitting full papers of no more than 25 double-spaced pages (inclusive of tables and references) by January 22, 2025. The International Public Relations Research Conference awards in excess of $10,000 annually for papers submitted for award consideration. Submissions are limited to one and only one award and monetary awards are given to the first author of multiple-authored papers who must then divide the award among co-authors.*
There is no guarantee that all awards will be made in any given year. Some awards, as described in the “selection process” of each award, are evaluated following the double-blinded procedure by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors. Some are evaluated by both groups and then validated by the sponsor. Some awards are selected directly by the award sponsor. Evaluation metrics are located at the end of this page.
Only accepted abstracts, that have successfully met the acceptance criteria, will qualify for further consideration in the award selection process.
For multiple-authored papers, the distribution of funds and tax obligations fall on the first author listed on the abstract submission.
All award-winning papers are required to be included in the proceedings. By accepting the award, authors agree to have their papers featured in the proceedings.
Arthur W. Page Center Benchmarking Award
Sponsored by the Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication at Pennsylvania State University, this $1,000 award is given for the top-ranked research paper on ethics, social responsibility, or leadership. There are no restrictions on authorship for this award.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
Baylor University Department of Journalism, Public Relations & New Media Top Ethics Paper Award
Sponsored by the Department of Journalism, Public Relations & New Media, this $1,000 award will be given to the top-ranked paper addressing ethics. The award is open to all, with no restrictions on authorship. Papers employing any methodology, including the development of ethical philosophy and theory, are welcome. The check will be presented to the first author.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
Best Paper on the 28th IPRRC Theme
Sponsored by the IPRRC Advisory Committee, this $1,000 award honors the best paper that aligns with the theme of the 28th IPRRC: “Research Relevant to the PR Profession” The paper can be theoretical, methodological, research-based, or a case study.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
Boston University Award for the Top Paper about Public Relations and the Social and Emerging Media
Sponsored by Boston University, this $1,000 award is given to the top research paper that examines the impact of social and emerging media on public relations, celebrating innovative contributions to the field.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
Fullintel Media Insights and Impact Award
This $1,000 award, sponsored by Fullintel—a leader in media monitoring and measurement—recognizes a top-ranked research paper focused on showing impact and delivering actionable insights, with priority for research that supports the use or development of value metrics or analysis that impacts the profession. This is open to all with no restrictions to authorship.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
International ABERJE Award
This $1,000 award celebrates research conducted on South American public relations and corporate communications focusing on employee relations, media relations, branding and public relations, historical responsibility, supplier relationships, community public relations, sustainability, national brand, new narratives in communication, or crisis communications.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
Koichi Yamamura International Strategic Communication Award
This $1,000 award is given annually to the best research paper on international strategic communication. It recognizes exceptional work that explores strategies, practices, and challenges in communicating across global contexts, highlighting innovative approaches and contributions to the field of international communication.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
Plank Center Award for Leadership in Public Relations
Sponsored by the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations at the University of Alabama, this $1,000 award is for the best research demonstrating leadership in public relations. It is open to all methods but must provide applicable results to the profession and senior communication officers in particular. For inquiries please contact IPRRC at iprrc.org@gmail.com.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are reviewed by the Advisory Committee, Board of Directors, and then submitted to the Plank Center for validation.
University of Florida Employee Communication Research Award
Sponsored by the Internal Communication Research Hub (ICRH) at the University of Florida, this $500 award honors outstanding research in internal communication presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference. It seeks to recognize work that demonstrates innovation, pushing the boundaries of internal communication theory and practice. Eligible research should contribute to the advancement of internal communication theory, either by proposing novel frameworks or expanding upon existing models. Additionally, the research must address current challenges faced by internal communication professionals, offering practical insights and forward-thinking solutions.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
University of Georgia ADPR Excellence Top Paper Award for Advancing Theory and Practice
Sponsored by the Department of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Georgia, this $1,000 award is for the top paper that advances excellence in public relations research and practice via demonstrated creativity and innovation in theory and/or methodology. This competition is open with no restrictions regarding authorship.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.
University of Miami School of Communication Top Student Paper Award
Sponsored by the University of Miami School of Communication, the top-ranked paper submitted by a student or a team of students will receive a check for $1,000.
Selection Process: Papers submitted for this award are assessed by the IPRRC Advisory Committee and Board of Directors within the framework of the overall paper award competition.